Right during the morning loading of the gliders into the car, the wind took my hat off my head and I wondered what we would do there in Prague. However, the wind was calming down on the way and at the airport it was blowing only around 3 m/s. I had only the heaviest one assembled in the car, Maata with weight 285 g, and it wasn't ideal for the wind.
I flew the first two laps with a Maat weighing 245 g. Unfortunately, the wind was intensifiing all the day to 7 m / s. I appreciate all the pilots that they did not have problems with the increasing wind. I haven't even noticed a single carom for the whole day. Sometimes someone just hit the fence, or they just met two in one chimney. I saw the biggest blow at F6D, when Míra Sedláček hit a one-meter lightning conductor on the shed. The rudder crashed into pieces. Fortunately, the wing and fuselage survived without scratches.
Černolice Airport is on a hill and a strong wind was blowing vertically. Therefore, everyone could try to climb either under the airport or turn it upwind on an even bigger hill. I usually chosed the second option, because it was possible to fly there almost every time. I even had a pokker for one hour. The other competitors didn't have such big ballasts ready, so they only flewed in the wind when they caught the thermals above the surface and circled it there with it.
At the races I was surprised by new boys around Honza Špatný. Luboš and Míra have their third race and it can be seen that they trained a lot at home. Honza himself proved again that he is a pilot and he can do it with propellers and thermals.
Martin Fujera texted me during the week that he has a record with Maat after the 83 m throw. Now I trust him after the competition. It's obvious that he gives it his all.

At the end, I won the competition with just a little hesitation. The second one was Vláďa Müller, a long-time fighter and with just a short distance behind him, our junior representative Martin Popovský in third place. At fourth place was Honza Šimlik, who advised me most of the day. At Honza, I like how he feels about thermals and how he thinks about it all over the air.
The next competition will be in Běchovice again. I'm looking forward to meeting great friends again.